Friday, February 25, 2011

February 22, 2011

Dear Family,

I taught my first "first" lesson!!! super exciting. This investigator just married a less active 2 weeks ago and 2 weeks ago we asked if they wanted to take the lesson.. Ashley said she would!!!  So great! We gave her and her husband Josh, a Book of Mormon during the lesson to read from.  Josh said, "Oh that will due until we get her a quad with her name engraved on the front."  She was telling us about how Josh has been answering all her questions about the church and then we are thinking that "man, he still has a testimony." Oh ya!  Then at the end of the lesson we asked Ashley if she was to continue to read from the Book of Mormon and pray about it and to gain a testimony if she would be baptized and she said YES!!!  I'm so excited for her, you have no idea.  Well I really have to go now. I love you all so much. Jared, I am still waiting for my letter from you!!!! =) I hope everything is going well and turns for the best.

Elder Lee

P.S. Tell you more next Tuesday. =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011
 That's  horrible about the toilet tank overflowing upstairs! That's crazy. The Halls (the members that we are staying with) left for a week. So we are in charge of the house.  I hope nothing happens like that while they are gone! Don't worry everything is going to be fine. =) fingers crossed.

Yes! I got the Package. Thank you very much. Everything was wonderful. I was so excited when I saw the seaweed you have no idea!. lol 

The talk in Sacrament went ok. My companion and I only had 5 minutes each so it was short.  So it was good. =) you know me. I was really nervous. But they said I did good.   We are in a car share area so we get the car for a week and another companionship gets the car for a week and we just trade back and forth. When we don't have the car, our Zone leaders drive us to the store, library and so on.
I have another like.....4 weeks with Elder Richards. Transfers are 6 weeks apart.  I will let you know when I have a new companion. 

I think I failed to mention. I cover 5 wards in my area. All the wards cover less than a 3 square mile area. some wards have 10 deacons and 2 of the deacons have 2 trays to pass the Sacrament.  Huge wards!

I love you all so much. Your always in my prayers, now probably a little more.

Elder Lee
February 11, 2011

Everyone is great here and I am loving it.  Everyone is so nice every time we go get something to eat or it's around lunch time or dinner time someone gives us money or buys us food and eats with us.  The members here are great.  I met a member that works for the Apple warehouse in ELK GROVE!!!  Isn't that crazy!!  He travels to Elk Grove about every other week!  I miss you all so much.

Elder Lee
February 8, 2011

I have been really trying to buckle down and study my scriptures and work with our investigators.  I'm almost done with the Book of Mormon!  I finished Helaman so I'm super excited about that!  I have been studying from the scriptures so much.  I have been learning so much so fast.  My trainer and I are becoming really close and our half way mark is almost here.  One more week.  It's crazy.  The one thing I really don't like doing out here is tracting.  There are so many people that are really nice and say "Oh, we are not interested" or they are really rude.  It's really sad.  But anyways back to the positives.  While we were tracting we found a guy that might be interested!!  He invited us in and we found out that he moved here from India 8 months ago.  In India he went to a Catholic school and studied Catholicism but he is Hindu.  He has never heard of Mormons.  We invited him to go to our church and he said he would!!  We are going to visit him this weekend and see if he actually did go and we might give him the first lesson!!  I am so excited!!  I also got to bare my testimony Sunday morning it was an amazing feeling that I got.  Oh and it's missionary month in one of the wards so I get to give a talk on missionary work.  YAY!!  So with our dinner appointments, we have been telling the members to go onto and make a profile.  It is so non-members or members can find people of the LDS faith that are like them.  Go on and check it out for yourself =)

I love you so much.  All of YOU.

Love always,
Elder Lee